How to Log Into Your (Non-Cloud) VPS Using Your Browser

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How to log into your VPS using browser.

1. Log into your client area.

2. Click on VPS.

3. Click on the gear icon next to the name of the VPS that you want to log in to.

4. Click on “VNC”.

5. On the new pop-up tab, click on “HTML VNC.”

6. On the new pop-up tab, click the “Send CtrlAltDel” button and manually input the password.

Finally, if you want to learn how to connect your VPS via your Mac, PC, or Android, these guides will be of much help:
How to Connect to Your VPS From Your Windows 10 PC
How to Log Into Your VPS Using a Mac Computer
How to Connect to Your VPS from your Android Device

And if you’re feeling a little geeky, you can also access your VPS using Using VNC (HTML VNC)

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